Mike's Brake & Alignment Shop

Honest & Quality Service

Tag: mechanic services

The Warning Signs of a Bad Battery

Car battery problems are not uncommon. Most of the time, they leave car owners helpless, because the vehicle can be immobilized due to a faulty battery. However, recognizing the warning signs of a bad battery can save you from unexpected breakdowns and inconvenience. In this blog post, we will discuss the warning signs that indicate your battery may be nearing the end of its life.

Dimming Headlights and Interior Lights

One of the first telltale signs of a bad battery is the dimming of headlights and interior lights. If you notice that your lights are not as bright as they used to be or they flicker every now and then, it could be a sign that your battery is losing its charge. These electrical issues such as a bad alternator usually occur when the battery is struggling to provide enough power to the electrical systems of your vehicle.

Related: Learn more about how to troubleshoot your car’s light issues here.

Slow Engine Crank

When you turn the key in the ignition, a healthy battery should provide enough power to start the engine quickly. However, if you notice that the engine takes longer to crank or if there is a delay before the engine starts, it may be a sign of a weak battery. This slow cranking is an indication that the battery is losing its ability to deliver sufficient power.

Related: Learn more about what to do if your car won’t start here.

Frequent Jump-Starts

If you find yourself needing to jump-start your vehicle frequently, it is a clear indication that your battery is not holding a charge as it should. While jump-starting can get you going temporarily, it is important to address the underlying battery issue to avoid being stranded in the future.

Swollen or Bulging Battery Case

A swollen battery case is a visible sign that something is wrong with your battery. High temperatures or overcharging can cause the battery case to expand or bulge. If you notice any abnormalities in the shape of your battery, it is essential to have it checked by a professional to prevent any further damage or potential hazards, such as battery leakage, corrosion, or electrical malfunction.


A failing battery can leave you stranded at the most inconvenient times. To ensure your safety and avoid unexpected battery failures, trust the experts at Mike’s Brake & Alignment Shop. Call us today at (817) 834-2725 or visit mikesautospa.com to schedule a battery inspection. Let us help you stay on the road with a reliable and well-maintained vehicle.

Why Do You Need To Hire a Good Mechanic for Your Car?

Vehicles have massively complex systems and are an expensive investment. Keeping your vehicles in tip-top shape requires a lot of time, money, and effort. Mostly, just to save some money, car owners tend to service their own cars or get their cars repaired by a friend. But trust us, this can easily damage your car especially if you have limited experience repairing vehicles. Therefore, it is always recommended to hire a professional mechanic to service your vehicle to ensure optimal safety on the road and that it runs well for years to come. To help you understand better, we have listed some of the reasons why it’s important to hire a knowledgeable and reputable mechanic to work on your car.

1. Professional services for repair and maintenance.

When you’re not constantly upkeeping and maintaining your vehicle, a minor fault can end up becoming a huge problem. Therefore, hiring a professional auto mechanic becomes important because an experienced mechanic will inspect your vehicle and diagnose the problem to offer you a fast repair. They will also ensure that your other car components, such as the engine, brakes, transmission, and belts, are also functioning correctly.

Related: “Tips for Choosing the Right Mechanic”

2. A knowledgeable mechanic can save you money.

Hiring a skilled auto mechanic will save you not only money, but also time. An experienced mechanic will provide you with an excellent value for your money and reduce your bills with efficient and quick fixes. But if you refer to a less reputable mechanic, there’s a chance you will end up increasing your repair cost without the problem being properly resolved. Be sure to research your local auto shops and compare their estimated prices before continuing.

3. They will help you prevent future problems.

Do you want to reduce future maintenance? Then hiring a knowledgeable and highly-rated mechanic is the smartest choice you can make. A professional auto mechanic will address all the vehicle issues, providing you with the peace of mind that all repairs are fully covered and carried out under guarantee.

Related: “Basic Tire Maintenance Every Driver Should Know”

Find Your Professional Mechanic Today!

Your vehicle can have a variety of different issues. Sometimes these problems can be fixed and repaired with some slight adjustments, whereas other times, these vehicle issues can be a complete mystery. Therefore, hiring a knowledgeable mechanic means you won’t have to wait long for your vehicle to get fixed.

If you’re looking for an auto mechanic in Fort Worth, TX, come to Mike’s Brake & Alignment Shop when you need a knowledgeable mechanic for your car. Contact us at (817) 834-2725 today to find out exactly how we can help you keep your car in perfect running condition. Please feel free to explore our online website to learn more about us.

Brake Maintenance Guide

The interior setup of your car’s braking system is quite complex and surprisingly very easy to maintain. A braking mechanism is essential to your car’s performance and your safety. If it fails at any time, you could face consequences of your neglect. Here is a step-by-step guide for you to follow and learn basic maintenance of your car’s braking system so that you’re prepared.

  1. Inspect the Brakes and Brake Pads 

The first step is to check the brakes and brake pads of your car. If either is worn out, it is time to get them replaced. A general rule of the thumb is to get the brake pads checked once every year. If they are too worn out, replace them with new ones to ensure smooth performance for your vehicle. 

2. Check the Brake Fluid 

Your brake fluid is responsible for the transfer of heat generated throughout your car’s system. If you see that your brake fluid is of a dark color, it is time to get it changed. It’s best to flush the brake fluid out to avoid any sort of moisture build-up which is damaging to the car. Then, fill the brake oil after bleeding the brake lines to avoid any excess air into the system. 

3. Upgrade the Brakes

Technology has introduced easy updates that you can do to improve the condition and overall performance of your car. If you are at the mechanic’s shop for replacing the brakes, consider upgrading them. Ceramic brake pads are quieter and produce less brake dust. Similarly, you can opt for slotted disc brakes since they are more heat resistant and durable than traditional parts. 


Your brakes are your first line of defense against any sort of road accident. Keeping them in top form is essential for your safety and car’s performance. If you don’t have time to look after your braking system, hire the professionals at Mike’s Brake & Alignment Shop to do it for you. We provide professional mechanical services specializing in brakes and alignment of vehicles. Give us a call 817-834-2725 at for any assistance and check out our website to see a comprehensive list of services.

Tips for Choosing the Right Mechanic

Not only are vehicles an expensive investment that require constant upkeep and maintenance, they’re also indispensable and invaluable. These machines are required by millions around the world every day to commute to work, receive health care, visit family and for tourism. Keeping your vehicles in tip top shape year round with help from a loyal mechanic will ensure optimal safety on the road and that the vehicle will run well for years to come. Continue along below for our quick guide made to help you find the right mechanic every time!

What to Look For

  •  Certifications – If your mechanic or auto shop can prove that they have received various certifications then you can rest assured knowing they’ve conformed to a certain set of regulatory industry standards. Some certifications to look for include ASE, AAA, and ASA.
  • Free Estimates – Mechanics should always be able to provide a free estimate for your desired service before they begin any actual work. Even if you’re pretty confident in the legitimacy of your mechanic you should still get a binding written estimate regarding the services they plan to perform.
  • A Second Opinion – Taking the time to get a second opinion can end up saving you countless time and money in the long run. You can get a second opinion from a knowledgeable friend, another mechanic, or even with a thorough internet search.

What to Avoid

  •  Vagueness – If your mechanic cannot or does not provide an explanation of their plans or concerns in layman’s terms you may want to walk away. A major part of a mechanics job is to translate difficult mechanical issues into plain English, explain to car owners what the problem is, and why it needs to be fixed.
  • Intimidation – Some mechanics have a bad reputation for providing unnecessary services, essentially taking advantage of customers who are none the wiser. Be weary of mechanics who attempt to scare you into purchasing services they’ve described as being dire or emergent, as that’s not always true.

Final Thoughts

While most auto mechanics are legitimate business owners that do a great job of repairing both new and used vehicles, it’s always best to do a bit of vetting before handing over your keys for a repair. When you choose Mike’s Brake & Alignment Shop in Fort Worth, TX you are choosing a local family owned and operated business with nearly twenty years of proven success. Visit our website for a full list of our services or contact us today for your free auto estimate!

Is Your Car Staying in Shape During Quarantine?

Fellow Americans, as a nation we have recently experienced a great crisis in our lives. With the COVID-19 outbreak, many of us were asked to help by staying home and locking down our nation to help flatten the curve. Those whom began to work from home and began practicing social distance parked their vehicles, whom like us remained locked down. A car is much like a human, having it parked without any exercise can lead to a few mechanical issues. Read along as we discuss common situations and how to prevent them!  

Are You and Your Vehicle Experiencing Similar Side Effects of Lock Down?

Being quarantined for a long period, without participating on regular activities, can make one feel slower or sluggish. A car, just like you, can experience the same symptoms when being locked down without travel. Oil condenses when cooled, after being parked for a couple months your car will need a good warm up before hitting top speeds on the road. Don’t remember the last time you changed your oil or just want to be cautious? Take it to your trusted mechanic for a checkup!  

Is There More Flab to Your Tires?

The “quarantine 15” is no joke. Many have experienced some weight gain because of the lock down. Cars may not experience a quarantine 15 per say, but they do experience flabby tires from a decrease in tire pressure. If your car is feeling slow and you’re not getting the same mpg form your vehicle it may be a result of bad tire pressure. While many new vehicles have sensors to indicate a need in tire maintenance, most older vehicles don’t. Have your tires inspected, vehicle aligned, and your brakes maintained to assure a save stop.


While these are just a couple of quick tips for you and your car to safely, get back on the road,

we would like to remind you of the importance of checking your vehicle before taking off the hand brake. Hitting the trails and traveling more after lock down?  We are here for you! Bring your vehicle travel concerns to us. Our highly experienced team is here to assist you with everything from break systems to alignments and tires to ensure that you have a safe trip! To learn more about our services and us please visit our website.  

What is ASE Certification & Why is it Important?

Is your car making strange sounds on your morning commute? Have you been looking for a reliable mechanic to trust your normal maintenance schedule with? One way you can know your car is being well cared for is if the mechanic is ASE certified. Keep reading to discover what it is and why ASE certification is important for your vehicle care.

*Note: If you’ve found an ASE certified mechanic you can trust, give our other article a read to learn how to properly work with your mechanic for a flawless maintenance trip every time.

Mechanic and customer giving a thumbs up.
Mechanic and customer giving a thumbs up.

What is ASE Certification?

When it comes to choosing your mechanic, finding one with that little blue and white sticker can be highly reassuring for consumers. Standing for “Automotive Service Excellence,” this certification process is designed to test and certify automotive professionals. The certification process began in 1972 and is used as the standard of excellence for every mechanic in the nation. It’s also useful to note that clients can ask which mechanics in a specific shop are ASE certified and request only their services.

Why is it Important?

With the need to properly maintain and care for your vehicle, finding an ASE certified mechanic or shop provides peace of mind in caring for your vehicle. For auto repair shops it’s highly beneficial because they know they’ve hired knowledgeable and professional mechanics to serve their clientele. Consumers will also rest easy knowing their vehicles are being cared for by a professional mechanic with the necessary training to keep their cars running the way they should.

How it Works

As a measuring tool for consumers, it’s important to understand just how the certification process works for your own knowledge. There are two types of ASE certifications with specific requirements and criteria’s for each. ASE certification requires mechanics to have at minimum two years of automotive experience and should be able to finish and pass at least one of the specialty exams.

Mechanic smiling while working on a vehicle.
Mechanic smiling while working on a vehicle.

For an ASE Master Certification, mechanics who’ve taken and passed the ASE exams on various subjects may choose to go for their master certification. For each specific area there are multiple tests which the automotive professional must pass in order to obtain their certification. It’s also a requirement for all ASE certified professionals to renew their certificate every five years in order to maintain their knowledge.

Thoughts With so many automotive shops and professionals to choose from for your vehicle care needs, the search can be narrowed down by looking for that ASE certified sticker. From understanding what ASE certification is to why it’s important, you’ll be able to trust your car is being well cared for. If you’re still searching for your personal mechanic, bring your vehicle into Mike’s Brake & Alignment Shop where our ASE certified mechanics will be able to properly maintain and care for your car. Contact us today!

Basic Tire Maintenance Every Driver Should Know

As the only thing between your car and the road, the tires carry quite a bit of pressure. With the amount of rotations they go through to the amount of air normally lost due to how often you drive, a lot can happen to cause excessive wear and tear on your tires. Keep reading to learn more about three of the basic tire maintenance steps every driver should know.

Checking the tire pressure.
Checking the tire pressure.

Check Tire Pressure

To ensure your gas mileage stays in a healthy range and you remain safe on the road, always check and fill your tire pressure. A car’s tires naturally lose about 1-2 psi every month which means continued neglect will result in a dangerous blow-out. Don’t risk your safety and the safety of others while on the road and check your tire pressure periodically.

Rotate Your Tires

Most mechanics recommend rotating your tires every 5-7,000 miles. This is due to the amount of wear most front wheel drive cars experience on their tires. By rotating your front tires to the rear and vice versa you will ensure an even better tread wear on your vehicle. Periodically rotating your tires will also allow you to maintain a good gas mileage. Not taking proper care of your vehicle’s tires will drastically reduce the gas mileage and performance of your car.

Mechanic rotating a car's tires.
Mechanic rotating a car’s tires.

Perform a Visual Inspection

Visual inspections of your tires are a handy way to ensure the tread is still within safety limits. While it is never a good sign that you can tell your tires are going flat, simply taking the time to inspect them will allow you to address any issues. Performing a visual inspection of your tires is an excellent way to spot any cuts or bulges on them.


From simply checking the tire pressure to using proper tire rotation schedules and even visual inspections, you will be able to keep a proper eye on your tire’s wear and tear. Be sure to call on the team at Mike’s Brake & Alignment Shop for all of your vehicle needs. Call us today to schedule an exceptional tire service!

Everything You Need to Know About Auto Diagnostics

Just like us, our vehicles require regular maintenance and checkups to ensure they’re constantly running at peak performance. In much the same vein as a doctor’s visit, auto diagnostic tests can detect problems before they’re given the chance to evolve into something more troubling.

While that may be the case, many drivers can be understandably skeptical of regularly bringing in their vehicle for an auto diagnostics test. After all, doesn’t the “maintenance required” light exist to let us know when it’s time to see a mechanic? Not quite. In many cases, the maintenance required light can show up well after your vehicle has already suffered an unknown breakdown. And with that in mind, we offer up this brief rundown of the auto diagnostic process and its benefits. We hope this helps in convincing you why preventative maintenance can do both you and your vehicle a world of good!

What is a Diagnostic Test?

If you were asked which the most important advancement in automobile construction is, how would you answer? For us personally, we would easily say the computerization of parts and components. Including computer processors, sensors, and microchips in our current engines allows us the opportunity to diagnose problems without having to break apart pieces and take a physical look. In a short and sweet summation, that’s auto diagnostic testing.

Using a computer system that links to the vehicle’s processors and systems, mechanics are able to accurately pinpoint prospective breakdowns before they leave you stranded on the side of the road.

What Gets Tested?

The beauty behind diagnostic testing is that it reveals structural compromises in practically all of a vehicle’s major components. Everything from your transmission and exhaust system to your brakes and fuel injector are checked for even the slightest disturbance.

While this service may sound too good to be true, a diagnostics run won’t spell out the exact problem that triggered that pesky “check engine” light. It will simply show a trained mechanic which parameters are out of their normal range. With that information, a trained specialist will be able to more accurately determine the vehicle’s issue.

What Are the Benefits?

Time is one of the biggest factors when it comes to diagnosing an automobile’s malfunction. And with computerized diagnostics, time is exactly what you save. Now that the process doesn’t involve invasive procedures and constant tests and trials, drivers no longer have to worry about time and budget consuming mechanic services! Instead of waiting to come in when the problem is at its worst, vehicle owners can responsibly come in for preventative maintenance. Couple that with the accuracy and comprehensive servicing computer diagnostics provide, and it’s easy to see just how beneficial the process can be as a whole.

Common Causes For a Check Engine Light

Although our check engine lights are meant to help us diagnose problems with our car, more often than not, seeing that light pop up on our dash can leave us just as ignorant if not more so than before! With so many different issues that can be linked to that infamous light, how can drivers be expected to go down the list and find the one ailing their vehicle?

Fortunately for those dreading the idea of being left in the dark until their visit to the mechanic, there are a few common reasons that cause that light to rear its head. Read on for some of the more common issues linking back to that light and see if you can get a head start on discovering the cause of your car’s problem before having it confirmed with engine diagnostics.

Spark Plugs

Damaged spark plugs are a very common sight for most mechanics and one of the first things checked when you car’s check engine light brightens up. For those a little lacking in their familiarity with how their car runs, the spark plugs are responsible for igniting the air and fuel in combustion chamber to ignite the vehicle when it starts. If these crucial components become worn down your car’s fuel economy can take a noticeable plummet. In addition, damaged spark plugs, if left unchecked for long, can go on to further damage other fixtures like catalytic converters and ignition coils.

If you notice your check engine light is followed by higher fuel consumption, a misfiring engine, and trouble starting your car, you might be looking at some damaged plugs that need some attention.

Oxygen Sensor

Your oxygen sensor is what measures the amount of un-burned oxygen remaining in a car’s exhaust. If damaged, your engine can easily begin consuming more fuel than necessary to get it moving. In addition to the lost fuel economy, like the spark plugs, a damaged oxygen sensor can go on to damage other fixtures in the vehicle like the converter.

Unfortunately, a variety of symptoms pertaining to a damaged oxygen sensor are also experienced in the case of damaged spark plugs. If you’ve experienced rough engine idle and misfires or increased gas consumption along with you check engine light, it would be wise to visit a mechanic to get to the bottom of the cause.

Catalytic Converter

Without getting too technical, your catalytic converter is what converts harmful carbon monoxide into carbon dioxide. That being said, a malfunctioning converter is just as harmful to others around your vehicle as it is to you. If this happens to be what’s causing your check engine light to show, failing to have it checked can cause you to fail future emission tests and diminish your vehicle’s performance and lifespan.


It’s no surprise that your car is an infinitely complex piece of machinery. So much so that even tools like our check engine light only rule out a few prospective issues. If you notice that your vehicle is acting strangely and your dash is visited by some concerning lights, consider these three issues and receive the aid of a diligently trained mechanic to have them addressed and alleviated in no time flat!